2020 BMA Board of Directors Upcoming Elections

Internet Posting Requirements for Political Subdivisions
Mailing Address of Political Subdivision:
PO Box 170
Natalia, TX 78059
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Elected Officers of Political Subdivision
Year Elected Officer’s Term Expires
Date of Next Officer Election
May 2 2020
Location of Next Officer Election
2107 Highway 132
Natalia, Texas 78059
Candidate Eligibility Requirements
Precinct Director must be a landowner in District and precinct. At Large Director must be a landowner in District.
Deadline to File Candidate Application
February 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.
Notice and Record of Meeting of Political Subdivision’s Governing Body
(If Applicable to Political Subdivision):
Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month.
Please see the following general instructions regarding completion of the internet posting requirements for political subdivisions:
Political Subdivision’s Contact Information: List the political subdivision’s contact information, including a mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
Elected Officer of the Political Subdivision: List the names of each elected or appointed public elective officer within the political subdivision and the year the officer’s term expires. For counties, this includes providing information regarding county and precinct officers. Counties are not required to list the names of statewide or district elective officers.
Date and Location of the Next Election for Officers of the Political Subdivision: The political subdivision should provide the address of the main administrative office (i.e. the location a person would expect to file candidate applications). Although political subdivisions must include information regarding the date of the next general election for officers, the best practice would include posting the date of a special election for an officer as soon as possible after such special election is ordered. Political subdivisions may also provide a link to the Notice of Election once same has been issued for an election.
Requirements and Deadline for Filing for Candidacy: Please note, the requirements and deadline for filing for candidacy of each elected office of the political subdivision must be continuously posted for at least one year before the election day for the office. The online posting need not refer to Ethics Commission filing requirements for candidates.
Regarding the candidacy deadline, the best practice would be to include the candidate filing deadline for general elections, the candidate filing deadline for any special elections which have been ordered to fill a vacancy, and the write-in candidate deadline.
In regards to the requirements for filing for candidacy, at a minimum, the political subdivision must provide a statement of candidate requirements including form, content, and procedure. This includes, for example: (a) the type of candidate application form needed, along with a link to the candidate application, and (b) information regarding whether there is a candidate filing fee and how much, or whether there is a petition in lieu of a filing fee available, as well as a link to such petition.
The political subdivision must additionally post the qualifications for office which are specific to your entity. This includes, for example, how long the candidate must be a resident of the state and/or the territory elected from, whether the candidate needs to be a registered voter, and other pertinent candidate eligibility requirements relevant to the political subdivision.
The political subdivision may also provide a link to Section 141.001 of the Election Code, if applicable (which details eligibility requirements for public office), and/or also provide a link to other sections of relevant codes or a city’s charter, which may also provide specific candidate eligibility requirements for the entity.
Requirements for Posting Notice of Meetings and Record of Meetings of Political Subdivision’s Governing Body: Our office recommends consulting with your political subdivision’s local counsel regarding this particular posting requirement.
The requirements for posting notice of meetings and record of meetings of the political subdivision’s governing body does not apply to:
(1)a county with a population of less than 10,000;
(2)a municipality with a population of less than 5,000 located in a county with a population of less than 25,000; or
(3)a school district with a population of less than 5,000 in the district’s boundaries and located in a county with a population of less than 25,000.
Please see the following guides available on the Secretary of State’s website that your political subdivision may find helpful in providing and posting candidate information:
Terms, Qualifications, and Vacancies VR for Candidates (HB 484) FAQ
Candidacy for Local Political Subdivisions
2020 Candidate’s Guide – Running for Federal, State, District or County Offices
Running for Local Offices[/mpc_textblock]
Requisitos de Publicación en Internet Para Subdivisiones Políticas
Dirección Postal de Subdivisión Política:
PO Box 170
Natalia, TX 78059
Número de Teléfono:
Dirección de Correo Electrónico:
Oficiales Electos de la Subdivisión Política:
Año en que Expira el Mandato del Oficial Electo:
Fecha de la Próxima Elección de Oficial
May 2 2020
Ubicación de la Próxima Elección de Oficial
2107 Highway 132
Natalia, Texas 78059
Requisitos de Elegibilidad del Candidato
Director del Precincto-Terrateniente en el Districto y el precincto. Director en general-Terrateniente en el Districto.
Fecha Límite Para Presentar la Solicitud de Candidato
14 de Febrero 2020 a 5:00 p.m.
Aviso y Registro de Reunión del Órgano Rector de la Subdivisión Política
(Si Corresponde a la Subdivisión Política):
Las reuniones de la Junta se llevan a cabo el segundo lunes de cada mes.
Please see the following general instructions regarding completion of the internet posting requirements for political subdivisions:
Political Subdivision’s Contact Information: List the political subdivision’s contact information, including a mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address.
Elected Officer of the Political Subdivision: List the names of each elected or appointed public elective officer within the political subdivision and the year the officer’s term expires. For counties, this includes providing information regarding county and precinct officers. Counties are not required to list the names of statewide or district elective officers.
Date and Location of the Next Election for Officers of the Political Subdivision: The political subdivision should provide the address of the main administrative office (i.e. the location a person would expect to file candidate applications). Although political subdivisions must include information regarding the date of the next general election for officers, the best practice would include posting the date of a special election for an officer as soon as possible after such special election is ordered. Political subdivisions may also provide a link to the Notice of Election once same has been issued for an election.
Requirements and Deadline for Filing for Candidacy: Please note, the requirements and deadline for filing for candidacy of each elected office of the political subdivision must be continuously posted for at least one year before the election day for the office. The online posting need not refer to Ethics Commission filing requirements for candidates.
Regarding the candidacy deadline, the best practice would be to include the candidate filing deadline for general elections, the candidate filing deadline for any special elections which have been ordered to fill a vacancy, and the write-in candidate deadline.
In regards to the requirements for filing for candidacy, at a minimum, the political subdivision must provide a statement of candidate requirements including form, content, and procedure. This includes, for example: (a) the type of candidate application form needed, along with a link to the candidate application, and (b) information regarding whether there is a candidate filing fee and how much, or whether there is a petition in lieu of a filing fee available, as well as a link to such petition.
The political subdivision must additionally post the qualifications for office which are specific to your entity. This includes, for example, how long the candidate must be a resident of the state and/or the territory elected from, whether the candidate needs to be a registered voter, and other pertinent candidate eligibility requirements relevant to the political subdivision.
The political subdivision may also provide a link to Section 141.001 of the Election Code, if applicable (which details eligibility requirements for public office), and/or also provide a link to other sections of relevant codes or a city’s charter, which may also provide specific candidate eligibility requirements for the entity.Requirements for Posting Notice of Meetings and Record of Meetings of Political Subdivision’s Governing Body: Our office recommends consulting with your political subdivision’s local counsel regarding this particular posting requirement.
The requirements for posting notice of meetings and record of meetings of the political subdivision’s governing body does not apply to:
(1)a county with a population of less than 10,000;
(2)a municipality with a population of less than 5,000 located in a county with a population of less than 25,000; or
(3)a school district with a population of less than 5,000 in the district’s boundaries and located in a county with a population of less than 25,000.
Please see the following guides available on the Secretary of State’s website that your political subdivision may find helpful in providing and posting candidate information:
Terms, Qualifications, and Vacancies VR for Candidates (HB 484) FAQ
Candidacy for Local Political Subdivisions
2020 Candidate’s Guide – Running for Federal, State, District or County Offices
Running for Local Offices[/mpc_textblock]